Invitation To A Feast: Bible Studies That Study the Bible

Recently, a handful of women from my church joined me in reading and discussing Lysa TerKeurst’s book “The Best Yes”. Though our numbers dwindled over the six weeks we met, those of us who remained at the end agreed that our time together had been well-spent.

TerKeurst is a New York Times best-selling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. She’s a popular, gifted teacher and ministry leader. We were entertained, challenged and informed. And in some ways, we were changed by engaging through her book and the accompanying DVD-led study.

So why, as leader of this study group, do I feel like these women were short-changed?

As only God can do, I’ve received some gentle conviction in recent weeks over where I go — and where I lead others — for the study of God’s word. At the very least, I’ve been stopped in my tracks while I think about His desired path for women who want to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not sorry that we read this book. Nor do I feel we were misled in any way by the God-inspired wisdom offered by Lysa Terkeurst. I do, however, feel I misled the women by advertising the group as a Bible study. We discussed my “false advertising” in our first session and the women graciously forgave me. But in the end, it was as if I’d invited the ladies to come for bread and wine and served them chips and cola instead.

Tasty, but not as good as the real thing.

I’ve participated in women’s Bible studies for years, as proven by my library shelf full of Beth Moore, Priscilla Shire and Jennie Allen study books. I’ve read (and studied) many wonderful Christian books about topics that interested me written by spiritual leaders I respect, both men and women. Most of them have led me to a fuller understanding of scripture.

Here’s the thing. At least one of the women in our little gathering appears to be a “baby Christian” and I got the distinct feeling she was attempting to digest savory doctrinal commentary, when what she really needs is pure, simple food. Namely, the word of God.

Don’t we all?

My concerns are backed up by Bible teacher and author Jen Wilkin. Her essay in Christianity Today, “Let Bible Studies Be Bible Studies”, addresses this very issue.

“Churches must distinguish clearly between what is Bible study and what is something else because the average churchgoer may not be able to on her own. Knowing they should study the Bible, earnest Christians sign up for what we have labeled a Bible study, assuming that it is,” says Wilkin.

In her opinion, biblical illiteracy is pervasive in our churches, in part because we fail to point out the difference between pure Bible study and book study. Her church has become intentional about precise terminology when offering studies, with an emphasis on pure Bible study.

Moving forward, our church will do the same.

When a disciple of Christ desires to understand their choice to follow Him, going to source materials should be the first step. A well-versed Bible teacher can help by setting the table and joining in the feast, utilizing commentaries and even various translations to aid in the understanding of scripture.

In her excellent book “Women of the Word”, Wilkin says this about the value of intentional Bible study:

“Sound Bible study transforms the heart by training the mind and it places God at the center of the story. But sound Bible study does more than that — it leaves the student with a better understanding of the Bible than she had when she started.”

Reading and discussing good Christian books can enhance our application and even our understanding of scripture, but reading them should not be a substitute for studying the Bible itself, word by word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book.

“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.” Jeremiah 15:16






  1. Carrie Reed

    Thanks Ingrid for the Best Yes I would of been there but because of my mom’s health I could not be there at the end. The study was very good.


      Thank you, Carrie! We missed you. I am so glad you were blessed by the study.

  2. Tammy Weldon

    Ingrid, I learned a lot in this book study. Hopefully, I can apply what I learned to say no once in awhile and save the best yes for the important things. Thank you for your great leadership. You are an excellent role model.


      Thank you, Tammy! It was a joy learning alongside you.

  3. Traci

    Ingrid, This article helped me understand the differences in what we offer. One way we’ve incorporated Scripture into even the Christian books is by adding Scripture sheets to the chapter discussion. Sometimes the author has already done that in questions, and other times I’ve looked up passages that relate. We are such a Bible-starved church, and I’m with you all the way on this one!


      Thanks, Traci. Jen Wilkin’s book would really speak to you, I think. God allowed me to be uncomfortable with what our women were expecting versus what they were receiving from this particular book study. I appreciate your suggestion about Scripture sheets. We’ve often done the same, but not always. Good grounding for any book study. Bless you as you soldier on!

  4. Bonnie Davis

    Great post Ingrid and spot on! I was struggling with the Bible study vs. Book talk difference myself so for the discussion of the chapters of the great book, Uninvited by Lisa TerKeurst we moved it to a monthly breakfast get together. I really liked the format. We then met weekly to do a more intensive Bible study. I also recently read that women seek out these well known authors/speakers for direction in their spiritual life because the woman’s voice is not traditionally heard in church services through the spoken or written word. Again, great points. Write on Ingrid!
    Bonnie Davis


      Thank you, Bonnie. I’ve also read about the dirth of women’s voices in church. I think that’s changing. At least I hope so. If we can take the interest shown by women and come alongside them with real, intentional study of scripture, perhaps that will help bridge the gap and fill the need. I love how you handled the Uninvited study. Have you checked out IF:Table?

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