Beautiful In Its Time :: 31 Days of Selah

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Autumn is pressing in all around us here in the valley. Every day, everywhere I turn, there’s a new feast for the eyes.


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Awe. Wonder.

What other words could I use to describe the emotions that rise up when I stand in the middle of my small world and take it all in?

I am enamored with the October sun. The perfect slant of sunlight at different times during the day brings me joy, even on the busiest, most difficult or frustrating days.

Illuminating a vibrant maple at sunrise, shining through leafy fronds of tall grasses in late afternoon, bathing a field of stubble and a tree line in evening warmth.

Every image I capture with my eye or with a lens declares the glory of God. How could man doubt the Creator when his eye is filled with such beauty? I have marveled at the grandeur of mountains, the breathtaking beauty of the ocean and the roar of a waterfall. But I am also wonderstruck by God’s fingerprints even here, even in this humble valley.

And standing in awe, I breathe in the essence of eternity.


1 Comment

  1. Tara

    Amen. Love this!

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