Five Minute Friday: Glue

It’s what He created you to be. When He fashioned this family and set you at the center of it, God knew what they needed. You’re the glue that holds it together.

Dear friend, you struggle today with the burden of your role. Caught between the children who still need you and the mother that suddenly needs you. Then there’s the husband that will always need you, and the friends who know now is not the time to need you.

So, you keep moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other, doing the next thing. Because it’s what we do, we women who are the “glue”. We keep it together and hope it sticks.

Praise God we don’t do it alone. You know that, and so do I. We know where to turn when the going gets tough. Some days it’s a tricky balance and we get off track and things just seem like they might fall apart. But we keep moving forward.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-15

We do it because we can’t do anything else. We’re the glue, and we press on.


Lisa-Jo-Baker-FMFI’m linking up with the writers at Five Minute Friday. Hop on over and join the conversation.


  1. Reflected.Me

    A message that speaks to me, and any woman. I love your line “friends who know now is not the time to need you” – Sad and true.

  2. Somer

    So true! We have to keep going to God to make sure our glue doesn’t dry out!!! sounds like you have a lot to be holding together at home. I’m sorry that so much is pressing in on you. I pray that today someone comes and refreshes you in some way…may God’s love stick all over you this weekend at Easter.

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Thank you for visiting, Somer. This is a bittersweet time of life, one many of my friends are entering. I couldn’t navigate these rocky waters without my God. Bless you as you celebrate His resurrection!

  3. Lea-Ann

    For those times when the pressure is squeezing from all sides…thank you for posting!

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Indeed, Lea-Ann. You’re there now, I know. It’s a mixed blessing, isn’t it?

  4. Marisa Slusarcyk

    This reminded me of a sign my grandma had hanging in her hallway. It said something like “just when all your kids leave the nest, you become a Grandma”. She had 5 of her own children, by the time she passed away Christmas was normally for around 40 people. 40 LOUD people and 5 generations! Yet, she somehow always managed to be that glue and hold it all together and act like one stove with four elements were plenty to serve us all and somehow, like Jesus with the fish and the bread, there really was always more than enough, especially when it came to love!

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Sounds like my grandma, too, Marisa. Such good memories of being knit together in love. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Brenda L. Yoder, MA (@BeyondPicketFen)

    A great fore-runner of the retreat next week! I’m convicted, though, at the times I’m not a good glue for my family to be stuck to! I convicting mental image for me! Thank you Ingrid!

  6. Ingrid Lochamire (@IngridLochamire)

    Thanks, Brenda. I need reminded all the time to just “hold it together”, but I have so many friends who have an even greater challenge at this sandwich season of their lives. Excited about your retreat message!

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