Free :: The Simple Joy of a Flop in the Grass

Finishing a brisk 20-minute walk to the corner and back, I stepped into the luscious green lawn that needed mowing. On this beautiful summer morning, the grass beckoned. I flopped onto my back and lay gazing into the clear blue sky. Weeks of off-and-on rain made this clear, dry day even more welcomed.

I took a deep breath and images I had seen on my computer earlier in the morning flashed through my mind: dark-haired, brown-eyed children playing in a splash of green, piling rocks, planting seeds. The children were enjoying the freedom of living in a rural compound in the hills of Honduras. Orphaned children I have visited and ministered to in the past when they had been confined to a gated block building on a corner in a very dangerous city, could now safely play in the grass.


Free to run and climb and flop in the grass. Free to grab a soccer ball, stand in the sunshine, play games under shade trees, plant a seed and watch it grow. The long-awaited move from the city to a new orphanage home on a hillside at the edge of Monte Redondo means these orphaned children are finally free.

My own children grew up on a farm with acres of pasture and woodlands to explore, safely and in freedom. My heart swells to know that today, these children in a country almost 2,000 miles away can experience that same feeling of being FREE.



Linking up today at Five Minute Friday to write for five minutes on the word “free”. 


  1. Tasha Medellin

    Well, you made me cry. 🙂 So thankful for His love and freedom today! Oh how he loves the children. My heart breaks for the ones who are not yet so privileged as to feel the grass between their toes and enjoy a life without fear and hunger. Blessings to you from your FMF neighbor, Tasha


      Thanks, Tasha! Glad I could bring some tears into your morning! Joyfully praising Jesus today for the gift of freedom.

  2. Amy M

    So wonderful! There are a couple of groups in my town that also have an active ministry among the orphanages of Honduras, and it is so inspiring to see what God is doing there. I am happy to see these children free to have a place to play!


      That is great, Amy! There is such a need. I’m always amazed at the joy the rescued children have for even the simplest blessings.

  3. Tammy

    oh how much we fail to see sometimes. How free we really are. Thank you for not only putting us in perspective, but our children. I really enjoyed your post! (And am glad we’re twitter friends so I saw your post)
    I’m linked up at #6 this week.
    Your FMF friend,
    Tammy (tammysincerity)


      Thanks for stopping by, Tammy!

  4. denise

    nice post.


      Thanks, Denise!

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