Motivate :: Like a Chipmunk, Hunkering Down for the Cold, Dark Days of Winter

This is the view outside my window today. What does it look like outside yours?
I’ve latched onto my #oneword2018 and set up my bullet journal for the year. I updated the wall calendar and made plans for meet-ups with friends and family in January.
Sounds like I’m motivated, doesn’t it? Not really.
What I’d really like to do in the days and weeks ahead is sit in my favorite chair with a stack of good books and a knitting project beside me and some beautiful music playing in the background.
In the snowy quiet of mid-winter, I think it’s okay that “motivate” isn’t a word I’ll drop into conversations. Not for a few days anyway. Instead, I’m thinking “hybernate”.
During Advent, I read chapters from a sweet nature book entitled All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings by Gayle Boss. One of the creatures Gayle featured was the chipmunk. After gathering provisions in autumn, “he’ll slip down through his tunnel to a leaf-lined sleeping chamber and balls up. His restless heart slows….his body cools. Each chipmunk must, for and by himself, consider which of several choices will likely bring him through the cold dark days to the other side of winter, strong. He must do this continually, with no guarantees. Today, heart beating fast, he makes today’s choices.”
Today’s choice? Reading, knitting, books and music. Tomorrow, maybe I’ll find that word “motivate”.
I’m linking up at Five Minute Friday today with words on the one word “MOTIVATE”. Stop by to read short posts by other Christian bloggers.


  1. Lesley

    I enjoyed your post! It’s true that while we need motivation and to get things done we also need times when we can rest and be refreshed. Those times of sitting reading and listening to music and just being still are important too! Visiting from FMF #19.


      Thanks for stopping by, Lesley. Yes, we need time when we are motivated to do nothing more than rest!

  2. Catie Cordero

    Ingrid, I enjoy you so much. I love your sweet honesty. Can’t wait to see you again this summer.


      Oh, Catie! I you enjoy you, too. Yes, a summer break on the shore of Lake Michigan — it can’t come too soon!

  3. Jennifer

    Oh thank you! Someone else who really just wants to hibernate! And is okay with it:) The view from your window looks much like mine. Cold – not as much snow here but cold. I going to make like a chipmunk today….and maybe tomorrow, too!! 🙂 Happy Friday…visiting today from FMF. Glad to have found your blog!


      Thanks, Jennifer! I’m glad you dropped by. Chipmunks seem to know what they’re doing, don’t they? I love the FMF community. So glad I decided to jump back on board.

  4. Tara

    I like how you think. I’d much rathe hibernate this time of year too. Visiting from FMF where I’m in the 57 spot.


      Hi, Tara! Animals have it figured out, don’t they?

  5. Lori

    I loved this! Sometimes, making the choice to sit and read or knit takes motivation, too. The likeness to a chipmunk was neat. Very enjoyable post. – Lori, FMF #32


      Thanks, Lori! Glad you stopped by.

  6. ~Karrilee~

    Oh yes… I am well versed with the pull to hibernate in these winter months with good books, background music, and a cozy spot with a view! I also know the need for motivation to pull me from my own comfort zone –at least once in awhile, right? As in Introverted pastor… I have learned the importance of following the ebb and flow and embracing a bit of both! Great post!


      You are absolutely right, Karrilee. We need the hibernation time to refuel so that we can go out into the world, hopefully bringing the face of our Redeemer with us. Bless you for dropping by!

  7. Stephanie Thompson

    Ingrid, It’s a blessing to find you here (my worlds are colliding!). Thank you for the affirmation to make choices just for today. I love the connection to advent. It’s amazing how creation (the squirrel in preparation)mimicks the workings of God. We need both hibernation and motivation in order to bear God’s image.


      Indeed. God’s intelligent design gives us so many lessons for life, as well as proof of his love for us. Thanks for stopping by!

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