It’s My Turn

It’s My Turn

I’m linking up with other bloggers across the globe today to write for five minutes on one word: Turn. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are many echos from our season of raising four boys. “When is it my turn?” “You’ll have to wait your turn.”...
When Perspective Gets Personal

When Perspective Gets Personal

My husband and I had a disagreement on the way to church today over a certain Christmas gift. With each of us standing our ground from two very different perspectives, we entered the doors to worship and fellowship. Both of us left convicted by the Word of God. On the...
When Life Is Aflame With Hard Things — Ashes

When Life Is Aflame With Hard Things — Ashes

It’s enough to make a woman give up traveling. A month ago, during a much-anticipated trip to Nashville, TN, to spend the weekend with our four sons, I wound up languishing for 24 hours in a hospital with cardiac issues. Fast-forward to last week’s...

Ten :: Putting Gratitude at the Top of my List

I read that book some years back. Just devoured it, actually. “One Thousand Gifts” — counting all the ways the Lord blesses and actually THANKING HIM for the blessings. So I began my list: ten things I am grateful for every day. My goal was a...
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