by Ingrid Lochamire | Aug 20, 2015 | Family
I usually don’t mind change, but it’s funny the things you miss once they’re gone. Things like the “boom, boom, boom” of a dump truck at 6:30 a.m. Or the air brakes of a semi tractor as it slows down outside our front door. Or the loud...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Dec 16, 2014 | Slice of Life, Story
What I really wanted was a perfect Christmas. What I got was a test of my faith and determination. Looking back some 25 years, I realize that first Christmas I celebrated alone with my two sons was an important step into a future that wasn’t part of my plan for...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Dec 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
Words of wisdom for today: Change is a good thing. And yes — you can teach an old dog new tricks! I want to be more intentional about how and what I share here with you, so I’m in the middle of a course led by writer and blogger Jeff Goins titled...