by Ingrid Lochamire | Jul 9, 2015 | Faith, Family
A spring-fed creek cuts a quiet path through our valley, rambling over stones and through clumps of watercress and swamp lilies before ducking under the road in front of our home to join a larger creek at the edge of the field. The water that flows from our spring and...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Dec 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
Christmas is upon us! As I prepare for our four sons and daughter-in-law to come home for the holidays, I’m remembering a Christmas nearly 25 years ago, when my oldest son reminded his parents of the true “reason for the season”. This post was...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Oct 16, 2014 | Family
The “God-Spot” for Day 15 just didn’t happen. Not that I didn’t see God in my day. He was all over it –at my coffee date with a dear friend, in the conversations with fellow ministry workers, in my Beth Moore Bible study. But the blog...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Sep 28, 2014 | Family
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The issue of violence in the home deserves more than 31 days of concentrated attention. It’s a sad fact that domestic violence affects one in four women in the United States every day. The recent headlines citing...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Oct 4, 2013 | Family, Slice of Life
Winter will soon be pressing in on us here in this Indiana valley and today seemed like the perfect day to make plans for spring. An afternoon stop at my local home improvement store turned up packages of colorful anemones, purple crocus and an array of red, orange...