Dogs Are Family, Too: Write for 31 Days

There are events in life that just catch one unawares. And when they happen, we sometimes learn things about ourselves we didn’t expect. We’re still reeling from one of those events. They were just a couple of dogs. Family pets. They could be annoying and...

What Stinks in Your Back Yard?

Our two dogs are hunters by avocation, “man’s best friend” when they’re not on the prowl. On any given day, remnants of their most recent hunting expedition can be found on our front lawn. Such was the case on a beautiful late summer evening...

I’ll Take This Christmas Miracle

In this season of Miracles, would God do less than deliver when asked? Even on a day when life is spinning wild with errands, with that mad rush toward a day for Celebration. Even when it’s only a worried mother asking that the search for what is lost might have...

How to Mend a Broken Heart

We learned a few things about our beagle/bassett, Lily, this week. On a long-overdue visit to the vet, we found out she wears a microchip — and she has heart worm disease. Lily has lived on our farm for three years. She came to us from Florida via Tennessee and...

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