All the Way Home

All the Way Home

“All the way home, Jill; all the way, all the way home!” I first heard these words from Jill Briscoe, one of my spiritual heroes, six years ago when a friend and I were invited to Wisconsin to attend an event where Jill would be teaching. (I wrote about it here.) A...
And Her Faith Was Made Complete

And Her Faith Was Made Complete

Three small “scholars” are buckled into my back seat, blue eyes peering at me from beneath straw hats and a bonnet. They are the oldest of my Amish neighbor’s seven children. Our five-mile drive to their country school is quiet, my passengers...

Eyes of Faith: It’s All About Perspective

I’m losing my hair. Bald spots, skillfully hidden by my hairdresser, have been showing up randomly for about a year. I’ve been told it’s alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease. The loss also might be linked to thyroid disease or to a medication I...
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