Where She Owns Her Influence and Names It

Where She Owns Her Influence and Names It

It was not my finest hour. At the end of three long days that involved taking our oldest son through doctors’ appointments, medical tests and travel, I came home to a messy kitchen. And I snapped. At least for me, the woman my husband calls the most patient person he...
Waiting and Walking ‘With’

Waiting and Walking ‘With’

“How are you doing?” Over cups of hot tea, my dear friend asked a question that I’ve asked myself often lately. How am I doing? Am I doing enough to help our oldest son during a crucial time of healing — body and soul? Am I getting enough rest?...
In Facing Painful Emotions, Do We Become Whole?

In Facing Painful Emotions, Do We Become Whole?

Anger, fear, jealousy, despair, contempt, shame. In His humanity, God suffered every painful emotion He allows to enter our lives, and He suffers them still as He walks through the highs and lows in the lives of His children, His co-heirs with Christ. The words...
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