by Ingrid Lochamire | Aug 27, 2015 | Faith
Young women have been on my mind a lot lately. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve spent selah* in Titus, Paul’s letter to the young pastor he assigned to the Greek island of Crete. As I read slowly and contemplatively, and as I hear our pastor teach on...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Aug 20, 2015 | Family
I usually don’t mind change, but it’s funny the things you miss once they’re gone. Things like the “boom, boom, boom” of a dump truck at 6:30 a.m. Or the air brakes of a semi tractor as it slows down outside our front door. Or the loud...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Jun 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
A part-time job at my favorite local coffee shop provides a front-row seat to everyday life. I’m sharing a few observations here on Mondays. Enjoy! This isn’t exactly news to me, but from my vantage point behind the coffee counter I’ve taken note...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Jun 3, 2015 | Faith, Writing
Why in the world would a 60-something chick who has waited through three careers and four children to have time on her hands decide to work in a coffee shop? Because it smells SO GOOD…… No, really. There are plenty of reasons. And when I got up at 6 to be...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Mar 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
While my kids were growing up, learning something new meant our family vacation was a success. In pursuit of education and fun, we traveled to lighthouses, museums, historic sites, big cities and large zoos. Which is probably why I love Tarpon Springs, Florida. I...