by Ingrid Lochamire | Oct 27, 2018 | Faith
Anger, fear, jealousy, despair, contempt, shame. In His humanity, God suffered every painful emotion He allows to enter our lives, and He suffers them still as He walks through the highs and lows in the lives of His children, His co-heirs with Christ. The words...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Aug 27, 2018 | Faith, Good Books, Writing
I warned you… I’m studying to earn a Certificate of Ministry to Women at Moody Bible Institute and I knew it wouldn’t be long before things I’m reading would seep into the posts I leave for you here. Daughters of the Church by Ruth A. Tucker...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Feb 8, 2016 | Faith
It’s enough to make a woman give up traveling. A month ago, during a much-anticipated trip to Nashville, TN, to spend the weekend with our four sons, I wound up languishing for 24 hours in a hospital with cardiac issues. Fast-forward to last week’s...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Feb 15, 2015 | Faith, Worship
I spent three days in the city worshiping and listening, then another three wishing I could be back in that place of joy and inspiration. I invested hours reading and writing about a movie and book I never intend to consume, but which consumed me as I fretted over the...