by Ingrid Lochamire | Oct 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
I’ve been exploring all the ways that capturing and sharing life stories can be used to impact our world. A very important use of story is found in creating awareness and support for causes. In my work for a local domestic violence agency, I experienced...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Dec 29, 2014 | Family, Slice of Life
A week ago, on a day I had packed to the brim with a doctor’s appointment, some last-minute errands, a few house-cleaning chores and a Christmas meal to prepare, I came down with the flu. By the time my four adult sons, a daughter-in-law and a girlfriend arrived...
by Ingrid Lochamire | Dec 17, 2013 | Faith
It was a strange juxtaposition, now that I think of it. Back in the years when we celebrated Christmas at the little white church by the side of the road, every Christmas program ended with a visit from Saint Nick. Bearded, dressed in a fur-trimmed red suit and black...