To Inspire Is To Give Life

I spent a beautiful autumn Saturday in the company of lovely women, many in the autumn of their lives. These friends who do life together had invited me to share a message at their annual retreat. A dozen or so, most with life-long connections, all with an abiding love and respect for one another.

We sat in a cozy space and shared stories. I’d asked each to describe her childhood home. They offered that, but so much more. Stories from their youth, remembrances they ached to share, images written on their hearts. We talked and laughed and reminisced.

I came to inspire them, and I know God did His work. We met the woman at the well, remembered so well from Scriptures, and we walked awhile with her as she encountered Jesus. We listened as her Savior introduced himself, and we surrendered the “water jug” of our pasts to step out with a new vision of who Jesus is for us.

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10

Our voices lifted in the doxology, we broke bread, we joined hands in prayer and we honored one another with fellowship.

I came to bring inspiration, but left with so much more. To inspire is to give life. They gave it well.



I’ve been missing from this space for a few days. We can have our plans, but sometimes God intervenes with His own. My 89-year-old father fell again late last week and he’s hospitalized with a fracture. If you have prayers to give this day, would lift up a few for him? Thank you.

I needed to do this today, quickly put words together and send them out to you. Because we’re in this “slice of life” together. Grace and mercy to you, my friends. May you meet Jesus in a whole new way today.

See what others have to share in their quick five minutes of writing today on the one-word prompt “inspire” here and here.



  1. Tara

    Praying for your dad! Also this post was beautiful. May we all inspire one another.

  2. Maxine

    Praying for your family, thank you for taking the time to share with us. Memories are powerful and healing. That was a great exercise to go through.

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