Try :: More Than a Summer Soldier

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

American philosopher, patriot and founding father Thomas Paine penned those words nearly 140 years ago. Some days, I feel as if he wrote them for me, not for the soldiers fighting to create a new, free nation.

Because some days are easier than others. They just are. The days the sun is shining and it’s summertime in my heart, it’s easy to stand on the front lines, strong in the fight.

Then there are those days — often drawing out into weeks — that seem to present one challenge after another. You overcome the first grief or battle, and another arrives on its heels. One storm after another.

A weaker woman gives in to discouragement, disappointment, defeat. You are not that woman. #fmf Share on X

You not only try. You conquer.

When our souls are “tried” we know that it’s not enough to just try, to simply cope. Victory comes in finding the good and the truth in the battle. What good can come of this? With God as our Commander, much good can come and usually does.

Our challenge is to have “ears that hear and eyes that see — the Lord has made them both.” Proverbs 20:12

In choosing to stand strong on the battle front — in choosing to keep trying in trying times — we declare that God is the victor.

And we are more than summer soldiers.

Five-Minute-Friday-4Linking up today at Five Minute Friday to write for 5 minutes on the prompt “Try”


  1. Tara

    Oh friend yes!! I totally needed to read these words today. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by life. But you’re so right we are more than summer soldiers!

  2. denise

    amen, you go girl.

  3. Damarise

    Amen~ As we do what we can humanly do, God’s power comes undergirding and finishing the job the way only He can. Thank you for your encouragment. 🙂

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