My part-time job at my favorite local coffee shop provides a front-row seat to everyday life. I’ll be sharing a few observations here on Monday mornings. Enjoy.
There’s a ring of truth to the words in the “Cheers” theme song:
“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name. “
Whether they’re ordering a foamy mug of brew or a freshly brewed latte with extra foam, people want to be known.
It will take time, but I hope to learn the names and drink preferences of our regular customers at the coffeehouse where I work part-time a couple of days a week.
I’m starting with one gentleman in particular. I already know he likes extra shots of espresso in his dry latte, but his doctor has made him cut back. A couple of times a week, this fellow takes a break from his daily routine for a strong cup of coffee and a chat with the girls behind the counter at my coffee shop.
Last week, after the usual jokes about his extra shots, this guy in the snappy black suit with the white clerical collar told his favorite barista that he’d been to the doctor and failed his stress test. Then he casually added that his doctor also told him he has cancer.
A moment of silence. Kind words of concern from the girls as he averted his eyes. Raising his cup, he smiled and turned to his favorite booth, tossing a final comment over his shoulder.
“But I can still drink coffee!”
In the good times and the bad, it’s nice to be known.
(Author’s Note: Sharing this video does not mean I advocate “raising a glass”. Rather, I’m hoping you’ll just share your life — maybe over a cup of coffee.)
So much truth! Indeed we all want to be known. Next time he comes in, offer to pray for him and his journey with cancer.
Actually, I told him I would be praying for him and I have. So many people carry real pain around with them. I’m asking God to give me eyes to see and ears to hear, and the will to obey.