When the Nest Is Empty, What Will Come To Fill It?

Writing today on the subject “FILL” along with other bloggers posting at Five Minute Friday. Join me here to see what others are saying in their five minutes of writing.
I dipped my hand into the clothespin bag, searching for a couple of pins to secure the freshly washed sheets. Instead I pulled out twigs and feathers. A nest. A mother bird had chosen this safe spot to create a home. I laid the bag on the ground to shake out the twigs and heard chirping from within. Two babies still snuggled deep in the bag. As they dropped out on the ground, two of our barn cats who had been lurking nearby snatched them up. I wanted to cry.
The innocent babies must have wondered what happened — safe and warm one minute, terrified at the end of their short lives the next.
In this week after moving my youngest out of the nest into his new home eight hours away, I feel a little like that mother bird must feel as she flies back to her carefully crafted nest, now in a heap on the ground. How did this happen? WHEN did this happen?
Life is very different for this “mother bird” today. Thirty years of full-time mothering has wound down and I’m in a season of wondering what will come to fill my days. And as I’ve prayed through this transition, God has given me this one promise:
“If you will be still and wait on ME, I will fill your days.”
So I am doing just that. I’m not rushing after the next thing. I’m waiting — with expectancy and excitement. I trust Him and I believe He will fill these days.


  1. Meredith Bernard

    What a beautiful thought this morning, ““If you will be still and wait on ME, I will fill your days.” Yes, and how I need to do more of that. Thank you for your words and praying your empty nest is filled in new ways you could never imagine. {hugs} from FMF…Meredith

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Thank you for visiting, Meredith. It’s comforting to know He is in control, right?

  2. Blue-and-Green-Together

    I am delighted that part of your filling is in your writing. What a wonderful idea to be still and see what He does. I will remember this when my little nest is empty.

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Thank you, Karen. It will happen in the blink of an eye!

  3. Brenda L. Yoder, MA (@BeyondPicketFen)

    I love the idea of not rushing! So many people rush to the next thing. I’m learning to sit and rest, and not rush, thanks to friends alongside me like you!

  4. Becky Fisher

    Ingrid, my nest looks very similar to yours. After thirty one years of having our children in our home, almost daily all these years, we will for the first time have no one. in just a few more days we move our youngest, 23, to Bloomington to continue her schooling. The other three are now married.

    Sometimes I have to question why they call it the “empty” nest because so far they have come back w/ MORE – spouses, grandchildren, friends, but only to visit and it is wonderful.

    I find myself asking myself the same question – “Now what?”. Thanks for the reminder to remain calm and seek the Lord 🙂 He will be faithful to show us, of that I am certain although I have no idea what it is going to look like.

    Keep us posted!

  5. Crochet Leigha

    Ingrid. What a blessing to have come across your post. This is my first time sharing with the fmf and what I shared is very similar to what you are going through. I have one son married, living two states away, one that is starting college in less than 2 weeks, and my youngst son is a junior in high school. We are so close to that empty nest. Anyway, thanks for your words. http://newcomblifeandtimes.blogspot.com Leigha

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Thank you, Leigha. I just read your blog post and we are indeed on a similar journey. I’m so glad you stopped by. We’ll both find our way through this new season by keeping our eyes on the One who’s in charge. God Bless!

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