When the Seasons of Life Seem All Too Brief

Autumn is showing its colors in the valley this week and I can hardly contain myself. Looking out my kitchen window or hiking out to the cabin, I’m surrounded by beauty.

This season is my favorite, but it’s all too brief. I wait for it as I notice the quality of the sun changing in August and hear the first chirps of the peepers on the pond. Once Labor Day rolls around, I begin searching roadsides for the turning of sumac from green-brown to rusty red. Then, in the waning weeks of October, I relish the golden turning of the maple tree that sits at the edge of our driveway, ushering me onto the little covered bridge and the path to the cabin.

I’ll be spending a bit of time outdoors today, because I know that in the blink of an eye, all this glory will be covered in the white beauty of winter. I hope you’ll find your own glory today, wherever you live and whatever your season. It’s a gift.

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

It’s been a few days since I sat at my keyboard and gave five quick minutes (more or less) to the task of capturing and sharing my thoughts. Today’s one-word prompt for Write 31 Days is “brief”. Join other writers as they share essays and link up through Five Minute Friday and Write 31 Days. And, jump back into all the posts I’ve offered during the month of October by stopping by Write 31 Days.

As I wrote today about our brief seasons of life, I couldn’t help but think of my Dad, who at 89 is well into his winter, and of my “virtual pastor”, Eugene Peterson, who passed into glory this week. These two men have had the greatest impact on me, both as a writer and a follower of Christ. You can read about my Dad’s little book here.

I sat in a workshop at the Festival of Faith and Writing a few years ago to continue learning about the craft of writing. Just a few chairs away were Eugene Peterson and his wife, Jan. Eugene, author of The Message and so many other books, was ever the student and always the champion of other writers, and of God’s word. If you have never “met” Eugene Peterson, enjoy this lovely video of a visit with the singer Bono.


1 Comment

  1. Tara

    I love the changing of seasons. I think I’m going to spend some time outdoors this weekend too.

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