With Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed

How big is your faith? Big enough to move mountains?

I’ve been thinking a lot about faith lately. In a few days, I’ll sit down with a group of women who could teach me a thing or two about faith, and I’ll ask them this question.

How big is your faith? Big enough to fill an ocean?

Nearly 2,000 miles from home, in a culture foreign to me, in a language I’ll struggle to understand, they’ll tell me. Come Sunday, in a village in Honduras, we’ll bow our heads together and we’ll consider what God expects of us, even when our faith is small…..when it is the size of a mustard seed.

He expects us to bring it to Him. To plant it at His feet and let Him do what only He can do — make it grow.

“…..if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20.

Nothing? Nothing.

Not watching helplessly as your mother shrivels toward death……

Not hearing a diagnosis and knowing there will be surgery and treatment ahead……

Not learning a friend has turned her face from God……

Not waiting for your son to return from Iraq……

Not believing there will be money to put food on the table at the end of the month.

God tells us “bring me what you’ve got and expect a miracle.” Like the disciples who had only five loaves of bread and two fish, but were expected to feed a multitude, we stand here knowing God has called us to do this great thing, but we feel ill-equipped. Our faith is small enough to fit in a basket, yet He says, “bring it to me. Scoop up that little bit of faith you’ve got. I can make it grow. You CAN move mountains.”


A soccer game in the shadow of the mountains around Monte Redondo, Honduras.

Mountains come in all sizes and many shapes. All can seem immovable when we stand at their base, looking up.

So I’ll tell the women at the little church in Honduras about the mountains my faith has moved in the past year, and I’ll encourage them to tell me about their mountains. And together we’ll search God’s Word for understanding and promises.

Reporting from Tegucigalpa and Monte Redondo, Honduras:

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Each day, beginning on Monday, I will share with you “reflections” and photographs as we work alongside Forgotten Children Ministries in Honduras. We’ll spend time with the children who live at Noah’s Ark Shelter, Grace Home and Grace Farm. We will bring food and supplies to families living in the hillsides surrounding Tegucigalpa, and we’ll cook meals for those working in the dumps inside the city.

For 10 years, Americans have ministered to children rescued from the streets of Tegucigalpa. Our place of worship, LaGrange First Church of God, took part in establishing the orphanage over a decade ago when a team of 10 missionaries took 10 boys from the streets to give them a week of food, rest, safety and love at a farm outside the city. Since that time, teams from all over the country have journeyed to Central America to help in this ministry. My youngest son and I were blessed to part of a team in 2012 (you can read about it here), and we’re excited to be returning this summer.

Seeking your prayers for hearts to be touched and lives to be healed by the love of Jesus.


  1. Lea-Ann

    Praying for your journey and that God will bless the people you share with.

  2. Brenda L. Yoder

    Love and prayers with you friend!

    • Ingrid Lochamire

      Much appreciated, Brenda. See you sometime this summer!

  3. Shanda

    Wow! This took a whole month to pop up in my email! Your friend who has turned from God, if she is English speaking, should read the Father Tim books by Jan Karon. They have shored up my faith as I read them. Our church finally has a new administrative pastor who will be installed July 7. I was afraid (lacking faith) the church would not find anyone soon, but here he comes.

  4. Aunt Lila

    You are so BLESSED..can’t wait to see your pictures, hear your stories and feel your love from across the way..Safe travels to all of you and spread your love and faith..I really don’t think you realize just what you mean to me..Love You all..God Bless..

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