Wonderstruck: The Brilliant Efficiency of a Walk in the Snow

I could have used my ancient elliptical trainer to log 30 minutes of exercise today, but the sun was shining and the temperatures have risen here in this Indiana valley, so I donned boots, gloves and parka, grabbed my camera and headed for the hills.

Tramping down a barnyard drive, walking toward the rolling bean field, it dawned on me how efficient this hike might turn out to be. The multiple benefits of a walk in the snow include:

  • Some much-needed exercise
  • A healthy dose of vitamin D
  • Time to think and pray without distraction
  • Inspiration from God’s creation at every turn
  • A few photos to share with you

Here’s what I captured during my brilliantly efficient walk in the snow.

Corn stubble soldiers, standing at attention

Corn stubble soldiers, standing at attention

A beautifully weathered fence post

A beautifully weathered fence post

A snow flower

A snow flower

A rusty work of art

A rusty work of art

photo 3 (5)

And another.

Red barns, blue sky. Perfect.

Red barns, blue sky. Perfect.

The birds have found our feeders.

The birds have found our feeders.

Returning to my warm kitchen, I picked up a beautiful book by a fellow nature-lover, Margaret Feinberg. Her words in “Wonderstruck” express my sentiments exactly.

“Admiring the beauty, I consider how many holy moments I’ve missed in the harriedness of life. Though God laces creation with eternal truths, all too often I pass them by unaware.

From the opening pages of Genesis, God reveals his nature — in nature. The story of creation broadcasts the distinctiveness of our God as the source of life. All-powerful, wildly creative, infinitely wise. God is the supreme ruler…….Creation divulges the goodness of God as he declares the good, good, good of creation.”

I’m thinking God would say I made efficient use of an hour spent walking in the snow.


  1. Lou Ann Homan

    Loved your blog post today.

    • inkspots53@hotmail.com

      Thanks, Lou Ann! I couldn’t resist. It was just so beautiful outside.

  2. Dawn

    Loved this post. I, too, have enjoyed my walks outside. West Central Ohio is a lot like Indiana:)

    • inkspots53@hotmail.com

      Indeed, it is! Glad you stopped by, Dawn!

  3. Leslie Leyland Fields

    Ingrid! What a lovely walk you brought to me—from your world to mine! I am a lover of walks as well, for all the reasons you list. Thanks for these beautiful photos and the lovely quote!

    • inkspots53@hotmail.com

      Thanks, Leslie. Happy to return the favor! God’s creativity extends from sea to shining sea!

  4. Tara

    Ingrid, loved this post and the photos. Something so holy about spending time in Gods creation.

    • inkspots53@hotmail.com

      You’re so right, Tara! Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. Nicki Schroeder

    Hello fellow Midwesterner! I am so jealous that you have so much snow to take these beautiful walks. 🙂 I also love that you spent time taking pictures so we could enjoy the beauty with you. God is so amazing, isn’t He? May you continue to find God in your everyday moments. Blessings!

    • inkspots53@hotmail.com

      Thanks, Nicki! He shows up everywhere. We just need to slow down and take it in! Enjoy the journey!

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