Yes :: I’ll Take Some ‘Joy and Fulfillment’

I did it again this morning.

I ate breakfast in front of the morning news, flipped open my netbook, dropped in on Facebook, answered an e-mail and settled in to write this blog post.

It was then the Lord gently tapped me on the shoulder and said “Yes?”

Didn’t I just say “Yes” to him on Monday — on that day of fresh starts and new beginnings?

Yes, God. I’ll kneel before You first this morning and every morning. Before I kneel at the altar of the World, I’ll be at your feet, seeking your face.

Yes, God. I want yours to be the first voice I hear every day, the first opinion I pick up, the only wisdom I’ll need to point me in the right direction.

Yes, Father. I desire to know you BEST, better than my best friend, my favorite blogger or the funniest animal videos on the Worldwide Web.

Was that “yes” a lie, an empty promise, wistful thinking? Or was it a response to a hunger in my soul that I know only God can satisfy?

“I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness.” Isaiah 61:10

God created me for “yes”. My devotions from Charles Stanley today remind me that “humans are designed to derive joy and fulfillment from being in God’s presence.”

I said “yes” again today to joy and fulfillment, and I pray that tomorrow the Lord won’t have to remind me of my promises.

Over the past several months, I have been praying prayers penned by Steven James in his book “A Heart Exposed”. I’ll share one with you today:

Bread of Life, you are full of promises; I’ve heard them echo deep within me: longings and dreams for a better day, a brighter day. This world, stunning though it is, doesn’t satisfy the part of me that’s the most hungry.

Eternity calls to me, transcendence tugs at me, and wonder whispers to me whenever I hear your story.

I have a nagging thirst for more than this world can provide.

Deepen it.

Free all the heavenly longings encased in the stony prison of my heart.

Sharing thoughts today at Five Minute Friday. 



  1. Tara

    Oh friend, I so get this. I want to remember him first every day too. So often I let others get in the way of him too. Visiting at FMF where I’m in the 15 spot.

  2. Nina

    Hi Ingrid – I would like to feature this post on the Ruby blog this Saturday if that’s OK with you. I will be sure to link back here and direct our readers here to your blog to read your other posts. Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your writing with the Ruby community! Nina @ Ruby for Women


      I would be honored! Thanks, Nina!

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